Control user access to the print spooler

You can control access for users to view, print or delete documents on the print spooler.

You can assign the following features for a user's role in System Administration:

  • Access Spooler Content.

    Allow users in that role to access only their own documents on the spooler (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  • Access All Spooler Content.

    Allow users in that role to access any documents on the spooler (in the Sage 200 desktop), including documents from other users.

  • Delete Spooler Content.

    Allow users in that role to delete files from the spooler (in the Sage 200 desktop).

  • Print Spooling > Spooler (Web Portal).

    Allow users in that role to access only their own documents on the spooler (in the Web Portal).

    Note: Users of the spooler in the Web Portal cannot currently view documents from other users, or delete documents.

    Note - information

    This feature is only available from Sage 200 Professional 2022 R1 version onwards.